Monday 6 April 2015


Fill in the blanks with can, could,can’t,couldn’t :
(Sometimes more than one option is possible)
1.   I_____play the guitar when I was five.
2.   Tom____ come as he is ill.
3.   Tom ____come as he was ill.
4.   I____ read when I was three.-No, you_____! That’s impossible!
5.   We____ come tomorrow if you want.
6.   Susan____finish her task as it’s too difficult.
7.   Susan____finish her work as it was too difficult.
8.   Mary____play the piano and her five year old sister____ play the piano either.
9.   They_____ resist the temptation when they were at the sweet house.
10. They­­_____ never resist the temptation when they are at the sweet house.
11. I_____ play in the garden yesterday as it was too hot.
12. I_____ play in the garden now as it is too hot.
13. Sonia _____ stand noise and her sister_____ either.
14. I____speak English and my brother____too.
15. My friends_____ enter the building as there was no one to open them the entrance door.
16. My friends_____enter the building as there is no one to open them the entrance door.
17. Lot’s of students_____come to the party as they didn’t have the tickets.
18. Lot’s of students_____come to the party as they don’t have enough tickets.
19. I_____prepare for the exams as I don’t have enough time.
20. I_____prepare for the exams as I hadn’t had enough time.
21. My mother_____come to the show as she was too busy.
22. My mother_____come to the show as she is too busy.
23. They_____visit us because they were on a holiday.
24. They_____visit us because they are on a holiday
25. There wasn’t enough time so we_____come.
26. There isn’t enough time so we_____ come.
27. Susan_____play the guitar when she was five.
28. Susan_____play the guitar and her little brother______play the guitar too.They are very talented.
29. I_____be very frustrated when I____ achieve what I planned.


Numbers to 100

Write the numbers
(in bracket)
in the lines:     

1.   (4)__________
2.   (9)__________
3.   (54)_________         
4.   (71)_________
5.   (40)_________
6.   (65)_________
7.   (89)_________
8.   (14)_________
9.   (11)_________
10. (12)_________
11. (99)_________
12. (19)_________
13. (100)________
14. (37)_________
15. (93)_________
16. (47)_________
17. (27)_________
18. (15)_________
19. (30)_________
20. (50)_________
21. (13)_________
22. (72)_________
23. (67)_________
24. (48)_________
25. (33)_________
26. (17)_________
27. (70)_________
28. (3)__________
29. (29)_________
30. (18)_________

Write the                                                          

 correct numbers

    next to the words:

1.   twenty-one___
2.   sixty-three___
3.   one hundred___
4.   seventy-one___
5.   thirty-three___
6.   eighty-four___
7.   forty-two_____
8.   eleven_____
9.   forty-two____
  10. seventy_____ 

