Sunday 29 September 2019

Collective Nouns for ESL and EFL learners

What are collective nouns?

Collective nouns are nouns that describe a group of something as a single unit.

Examples of Collective Nouns

  1. a bunch of grapes / bananas
  2. a bundle of laundry
  3. a swarm of bees / insects
  4. a clump of flowers
  5. a bouquet of flowers
  6. a gang of robbers
  7. a herd of cows / deer / moose
  8. a team of oxen
  9. a pack of cards
  10. a block of flats
  11. a suite of rooms
  12. a litter of puppies / kittens
  13. a pack of cards
  14. a flock of birds
  15. a crowd of people 
  16. a shoal of fish

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Homophones in Pictures

Homophones are words that sound alike but have different meanings. Here are the examples:


  1. in inn
  1. hair hare
  1. road rode
  1. air heir
  1. weak week
  1. night knight
  1. where wear

Transportation Vocabulary for ESL and EFL students

Transportation Vocabulary


1. hot-air baloon
4. biplane
5. gondola cabin
6. road roller
7. police car
8. car
9. roadster
10. school bus
11. scooter
12. tractor
13. ship
14. camp vehicle
15. garbage truck
16. dump truck
17. van
18. forklift
19. train
20. fire engine
21. fuel tanker
22. double decker bus
23. bicycle
24. taxi
25. limousine
26. sports car
27. ambulance
28. bus
29. motorboat / speedboat / powerboat