Ово дело је лиценцирано под условима лиценце Creative Commons Ауторство-Некомерцијално-Без прерада 3.0 Србија . child-children man-men woman-women foot-feet person-people* goose-geese tooth-teeth mouse-mice louse-lice ox-oxen *persons is used in very formal way The following nouns are the same in the singular and plural: deer-deer sheep-sheep fish-fish* sheep-sheep *fish can be used as fishes but in a different context. The following nouns change –is to –es: basis-bases crisis-crises diagnosis-diagnoses thesis-theses oasis-oases axis-axes synopsis-synopses Exercise1: Turn the noun in brackets into the plural form: 1. Many____(woman) like to shop. 2. There are lots of_____(mouse) in here. 3. Look at these_____(goose), they are beautiful! 4. I always brush my _____(tooth) before going to bed. 5. How many_____(person) were at the party? 6.