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Fill in with much or many: 1. There aren't____apples left. 2. How____money do you need for the books? 3. Are there____people at the party? 4. There are____nice people in here. 5. We don't have____time. Please hurry up! 6. I can see____children playing in the garden! Much / Many- exercises and explanations 7. It happened to me____times! 8. I'd like to have____opportunities for travelling. 9. There isn't____sugar left. 10. How____chairs can you see? 11. A: I've got a bad mark. B: How____mistakes have you made? A: ____ mistakes... 12. ____ native English speakers give private lessons. If you have enough time and money, you can hire someone. 13. I haven't eaten so _____apples recently! 14. How ____dollars do you have with you? 15. Since Peter doesn't have_____time, he can't come to see me. 16. How____tea would you like? 17. He can'
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